Another quick stop at a hardware store and then to McDonald's. I make no apologies for eating at McDonald's while on this trip, and this particular morning became a great interactive experience. While drinking coffee I could hear some elderly men in the next booth conversing about many different issues of the day. This was too good of a opportunity to let pass so I went outside to retrieve my pen and notebook. Then without permission, I boldly sat down with them, told them what I was doing, and asked if they would like to share their thoughts with me. Forty-five minues later I thanked them, took their photograph, and we said our goodbyes. Again, more encouragement as they wished me well and expressed appreciation.
Another hot day. I walked through Nampa and then Kuna where I hoped to find lodging for the evening. As I neared the city limits I flagged down a policeman and asked where I could find a place - he told me there were none closer than eight miles at the freeway - this information represented an immediate change in my plans. I had been looking forward to a warm shower but instead I must now find a place to place my tent.
As luck would have it, in short time I walked past a home for sale with a very private lush lawn in the back. I had passed up a situation like this once before and vowed I would not again, therefore, I walked up to the door and knocked. With a radio on in the garage, closed curtains, and a real estate lock on the door - it had all the markings of "NO ONE LIVES HERE." I did a quick peek through the window and before you know it, my tent was set up under the grape arbor in the back. What a choice place surrounded by dry dirt and sagebrush! I was almost asleep when I heard a car pull into the driveway. Music and engine were running and I heard laughter. Local kids I assumed that knew a vacant driveway in which to park on a Saturday night. I didn't mind them in the front as long as they didn't come to the back. I admit my heart was pounding until I heard them finally drive away. In the morning I enjoyed oatmeal and coffee while sitting on someone's deck and then - gone without a trace.
Oooh. Sneaky Mr. Brown!