Mr. Jack Frost had done his magic Sunday night and everything was heavily frosted. My wife told me that according to the news, it had gotten down to 29 degrees here and I shuddered as she told me that it was supposed to only get colder. I have found that my little camp stove does not perform as well at this temperature and my teeth chattered as I waited extendedly for my water to boil. Finally, after a cup of hot coffee and my usual oatmeal - I was ready to pack up and start walking just to warm myself. Therefore, I was on the road by 8:00 and welcomed the morning sun - which now arrives much later than those earlier days of summer.
I am now walking Route 224 and six miles east of Huntington I reached Interstate 69 and decided to take advantage of a motel located there. This morning the desk clerk said that it had gotten down to 26 degrees and that the first snow was perhaps on its way in a day or two. I'm not certain about the snow, but one thing is definitely certain - I need a warmer sleeping bag or a blanket to supplement my gear fairly soon.
Today I leave for Decatur, Indiana. I had had hopes of "going the distance" and reaching the Ohio border but as it is late (I always leave later when at a motel) I will probably stay in Decatur tonight and walk into Ohio tomorrow. For now, I must pack my gear and begin.
Are you taking 224 through Ohio? Or Lincoln Highway. That comes through Crestline and 224 isn't too far from here. Enjoying your posts and hope it doesn't get too cold. Shirley Arter